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Week 5 - 14th July 2017
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Topic: Week 5 - 14th July 2017 (Read 7023 times)
Posts: leet
If it isn’t fixed its broken
Week 5 - 14th July 2017
July 14, 2017, 09:11:25 AM »
RAW Track
Race All Winter Track
Dunc Gray Velodrome, Australia
Week 5 July 14 2017
Week 5’s RAW included a fund raiser on behalf of Stephen Cuff who is heading to Italy for the Junior RAW Track. I am happy to announce that the RAW community raised just over $800. Hopefully we do it all again in 2018 for RAW riders who get the opportunity to represent Australia.
It was also Teams night, which is traditionally one of the best nights of the season. Not only does teams night change the racing tactically, it also changes the dynamics of the night as riders are forced to sit in the team colour rather than their usual gang.
Congratulations to team Yellow who managed to take claw their way back against team Purple in the closing laps of the Super Italian.
Final results and points for riders in each team towards the TWE point series are:
1. Yellow 20 points
2. Purple 18 points
3. Red 16 points
4. Green 14 points
5. Blue 12 points
6. Orange 11 points
Round 1
Warm up scratch races
Div 5
1 Andy Verdon G
2 Mack Apps-Tulip Y
3 Jonathan Bonora P
4 Kaide Morrissey B
Div 4
1 Nigel Apps P
2 Matthew Willis G
3 Sandro Nava P
4 Deb Coulls Y
Div 3
1 Ian Grant Y
2 Ryan Britton G
3 John Caley G
4 Selina Ho O
Div 2
1 James Schneider P
2 Adam Ingall P
3 Gary Mandy Y
4 Darren Cash O
Div 1
1 Stephen Cuff Y
2 Thomas Cornish G
3 Rohan Hayden-Smith R
4 Daniel Gandy B
1 Julie Gardner 18.78
Round 2
1 Daniel Morrissey
2 Stephen Cuff
Round 3
Div 5 heat 1
1 Mack Apps-Tulip Y
2 Jonathan Bonora P
3 Kaide Morrissey B
4 Jamie O'Callaghan B
Div 5 heat 2
1 Georgia Bonora y
2 Georgia O'Callaghan R
3 Alyiah Jurd G
Div 5 heat 3
1 Zachary Bonhamo O
2 John Burke R
3 Any Verdon G
Div 4 heat 1
1 Sandro Nava P
2 Nigel Apps P
3 Stephen Fityus O
Div 4 heat 2
1 Matthew Willis G
2 Daika Scott Y
3 Deb Coulls Y
4 Phil Dobe O
Div 4 Heat 3
1 Charlie Dale P
2 Eric Macdonald G
3 Thomas O'Callaghan G
4 Colin Williams R
Div 4 Heat 4
1 Nigel Sirisophone B
2 Hugh Gray P
3 Daniel Morrissey B
4 Luke O'Callaghan Y
Div 3 heat 1
1 Lizanne Willmot B
2 Timothy Galz-Re P
3 Nathan Barnes G
4 Mackenzie Scott R
Div 3 Heat 2
1 Tommy Carneely R
2 Tess Wallace Y
3 Mitchell Gren G
4 Samantha Nichols Y
Div 3 Heat 3
1 Ben Fox P
2 Cameron Rogers B
3 Ryan Britton G
4 Harry Jones O
Div 3 Heat 4
1 Paul Whitfield O
2 Graham Cockerton R
3 John Caley G
4 Clayton Read G
Div 3 Heat 5
1 Ian Grant Y
2 Lucie Fityus P
3 Felix James B
Div 3 Heat 6
1 Matt Karai B
2 Selina Ho O
3 Richard Cartwright R
Div 2 heat 1
1 Gary Mandy Y
2 James Schneider P
3 Jarrod Williams B
4 Stef Fernandez P
Div 2 Heat 2
1 Sophie Knox R
2 Peter Rogers B
3 Michael Churhward O
4 Darren Cash O
Div 2 Heat 3
1 David Browne Y
2 Gav White Y
3 David Ludenia G
4 Rodrigo Notaro P
Div 2 Heat 4
1 Brett Scruse R
2 Brad Heap G
3 Adam Ingall P
Div 1 heat 1
1 Rohan Hayden-Smith R
2 Ben Dutton P
3 Luke Britton Y
4 Scott Mills Y
Div 1 heat 2
1 John Trovas R
2 Nathan Craig P
3 Timothy Spackman R
Div 1 heat 3
1 Daniel Gandy B
2 Matt Glanville B
3 Jake Abramovic O
Div 1 heat 4
1 Thomas Cornish G
2 Stephen Cuff Y
3 Max Housden G
4 Blake Ryan R
Novice 4 lap Hçap heat 1
1 Julie Gardner 17.82
Round 4
Points race Div 5
1 Andy Verdon G
2 Zachary Bonham O
3 Jonathan Bonora P
4 Mack Apps-Tulip Y
Div 4
1 Deb Coulls Y
2 Matthew Willis G
3 Phil Dobe O
4 Stephen Fityus O
Div 3
1 Richard Cartwright R
2 Harry Jones O
3 Ian Grant Y
4 Ryan Britton G
Div 2
1 James Schneider P
2 Jarrod Williams B
3 Gav White Y
4 Darren Cash O
Div 1
1 Stephen Cuff Y
2 Rohan Hayden-Smith R
3 Daniel Gandy B
4 Blake Ryan R
Round 5
6th V 5th
5 Blue
6 Orange
3rd V 4th
3 Red
4 Green
1st V 2nd
1 Yellow
2 Purple
Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 09:37:48 AM by Artson
Posts: leet
If it isn’t fixed its broken
Re: Week 5 - 14th July 2017
Reply #1 on:
July 16, 2017, 10:07:42 AM »
Points awarded for this week
find an error email me
[email protected]
Scott Mills 20
Luke Britten 20
Stephen Cuff 20
Gary Mandy 20
Gav White 20
David Browne 20
Ian Grant 20
Samantha Nicholls 20
Tess Wallace 20
Deb Coulls 20
Daika Scott 20
Luke O'Callaghan 20
Georgia Bonora 20
Mack Apps-Tulip 20
Nathan Craig 18
Ben Dutton 18
Rodrigo Notaro 18
Adam Ingall 18
James Schneider 18
Stef Fernandez 18
Lucie Fityus 18
Ben Fox 18
Tim Gale-Re 18
Sandro Nava (Sandy) 18
Nigel Apps 18
Charlie Dale 18
Jonathan Bonora 18
John Trovas 16
Rohan Hayden-Smith 16
Blake Ryan 16
Timothy Spackman 16
Brett Scruse 16
Tommy Conneely 16
Graham Cockerton 16
Makenzie Scott 16
Richard Cartwright 16
Mark Craig 16
Colin Williamson 16
Hugh Gray 16
Eric Macdonald 16
Georgia O'Callaghan 16
John Burke 16
Thomas Cornish 14
Max Housden 14
David Ludenia 14
Brad Heap 14
Sophie Knox 14
Ryan Britton 14
Nathan Barnes 14
John Caley 14
Clayton Read 14
Mitchell Green 14
Matthew Willis 14
Thomas O'Callaghan 14
Alyiah Jurd 14
Andy Verdon 14
Matt Glanville 12
Daniel Gandy 12
Jarrod Williams 12
Peter Rogers 12
Matt Karai 12
Felix James 12
Lizanne Willmot 12
Cameron Rogers 12
Caitlin Williamson 12
Daniel Morrissey 12
Nigel Silisomphone 12
Kaide Morrissey 12
Jamie O'Callaghan 12
Jake Abramovic 11
Dean Preddy 11
Darren Cash 11
Michael Churchward 11
Paul Whitfeild 11
Selina Ho 11
Harry Jones 11
Stephen Fityus 11
Phil Dobe 11
Zachary Bonham 11
Julie Gardner 10
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