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Author Topic: The 2014 PARK BIKES Madison challange  (Read 14305 times)
Posts: leet

If it isn’t fixed its broken

« on: December 26, 2014, 04:58:27 AM »

The 2014 PARK BIKES Madison Challenge

•   The PARK BIKES Madison Challenge will run separate to the x-mas Carnival Points Series.
•   Each individual rider will carry (handicap) start points
•    Each rider will score their teams combined start points + points won in the race (1st =5pts 2nd = 3pts 3rd = 2pts and 4th = 1pt )
•   Teams that loose a lap will be deducted 4 points
•   The winner of the Challenge is the rider who accumulates the most points over all Madisons

Cav and wiggo go at it

Brownie is the man to see!


Your start points (handicap) are listed below

* 2014 Park Bikes Madison Series Point Score Table.xls (52.5 KB - downloaded 684 times.)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 05:35:37 AM by Artson » Logged
Posts: leet

If it isn’t fixed its broken

« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2014, 01:45:18 PM »

Points after Day 1
EDWARDS, Nicholas   6
SCHWARZE, Jack    6
TOOVEY, Joshua   6
YEAMAN, Emily    6
LAW, Jackson    5
LAW, Scott   5
STAIT, Graham   5
THORNCRAFT, Darryl   5
BOYD, Brad   4
Tom Cornish   4
YALLOURIS, Alex    4
Craig Nathan   4
BAXTER, Geoffrey   2
CUFF, Stephen   2
MCMANUS, Tirian   2
Sam Jenner   2
CATER, Robert   1
FOX, Ben    1
LOUIS, Jordan   1
MARSHALL, Damon   1
Tom Lynch   1
WRIGHT, Mitchell    1
MITCHELL, Adam   0
JONES, Jacob   0
BOLTON, Tom    0
FALZARANO, Shaun   0
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 02:12:52 PM by Artson » Logged
Posts: leet

If it isn’t fixed its broken

« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 01:58:24 PM »

Points From Day 2
JONES, Laura   7
MACDONALD, Nicola   7
EDWARDS, Nicholas   6
TOOVEY, Joshua   6
SCHWARZE, Jack    5
YEAMAN, Emily    5
LAW, Jackson    5
LAW, Scott   5
Sam Jenner   5
SCOTT, Cameron    5
Tom Cornish   4
CUFF, Stephen   4
LOUIS, Jordan   4
BOLTON, Tom    4
JONES, Jacob   4
MITCHELL, Adam   4
BROWN, Kieren   4
KAILEY, Bro   4
Alex Chubb   4
Anthony Tononcelli    3
KENT, Nash    3
YALLOURIS, Alex    2
WRIGHT, Mitchell    2
SCOTT, Lachlan   2
SCHNEIDER, James    2
BAXTER, Geoffrey   1
CATER, Robert   1
FOX, Ben    1
MARSHALL, Damon   1
Tom Lynch   1
MILLS, Scott   1

PARK BIKE Series Points after Rnd 2
EDWARDS, Nicholas   12
TOOVEY, Joshua   12
SCHWARZE, Jack    11
YEAMAN, Emily    11
LAW, Jackson    10
LAW, Scott   10
Tom Cornish   8
JONES, Laura   7
MACDONALD, Nicola   7
Sam Jenner   7
CUFF, Stephen   6
YALLOURIS, Alex    6
SCOTT, Cameron    5
LOUIS, Jordan   5
STAIT, Graham   5
THORNCRAFT, Darryl   5
BOLTON, Tom    4
JONES, Jacob   4
MITCHELL, Adam   4
BROWN, Kieren   4
KAILEY, Bro   4
Alex Chubb   4
BOYD, Brad   4
Craig Nathan   4
Anthony Tononcelli    3
KENT, Nash    3
WRIGHT, Mitchell    3
BAXTER, Geoffrey   3
SCOTT, Lachlan   2
SCHNEIDER, James    2
CATER, Robert   2
FOX, Ben    2
MARSHALL, Damon   2
Tom Lynch   2
MCMANUS, Tirian   2
MILLS, Scott   1

Posts: leet

If it isn’t fixed its broken

« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2014, 12:21:24 AM »

........................................News Flash.....................................
Great news for keen Madison riders
Due to the huge success of The PARK BIKES Madison Series, we will be including a B Grade Madison
If we get 18 teams registering (see Brownie) we will split into A and B
distance will be similar and you can pick your own grade.

Does this change the points series?
well yes slightly, so two rule amendments have been made!

1. Riders selecting the B Grade event, will automatically be deducted 4 points (equivalent to loosing the lap)
2. The bonus points for winning will be reduced to 3, 2 and 1 for the top three place getters only

Is this fair?
It is close to fair, However I examine the mission statement of The PARK BIKES Madison Series which is:
"To encourage the participation of riders in Madison's"

Posts: leet

If it isn’t fixed its broken

« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2014, 12:39:39 AM »

Series Leader board after 3 rounds
Full spread sheet attached below

EDWARDS, Nicholas   18
TOOVEY, Joshua   18
SCHWARZE, Jack    16
YEAMAN, Emily    16
LAW, Jackson    15
LAW, Scott   15
Tom Cornish   14
CUFF, Stephen   12
Craig Nathan   9
LOUIS, Jordan   9
Anthony Tononcelli    8
JONES, Jacob   8
MITCHELL, Adam   8
BOYD, Brad   8
MILLS, Scott   7
BAXTER, Geoffrey   7
JONES, Laura   7
MACDONALD, Nicola   7
Sam Jenner   7
DAVIES, Jordon    6
SCOTT, Wazza   6
SCOTT, Cameron   6
BROWN, Kieren   6
STAIT, Graham   6
YALLOURIS, Alex    6
THORNCRAFT, Darryl   6
BOLTON, Tom    5
SCOTT, Cameron    5
LAW, Grant    4
SAUNDERS, John   4
MURRAY, Thomas   4
CALEY , Bro   4
Alex Chubb   4
CATER, Robert   3
FOX, Ben    3
MARSHALL, Damon   3
Tom Lynch   3
KENT, Nash    3
WRIGHT, Mitchell    3
CALEY, John   2
MURRAY, Paul    2
PETERS, Brian   2
SCOTT, Lachlan   2
SCHNEIDER, James    2
MCMANUS, Tirian   2
CORNISH, Josh   1

Posts: leet

If it isn’t fixed its broken

« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2014, 12:51:34 PM »

Points from Day 4
CORNISH, Tom   9
CUFF, Stephen   9
TONONCELLI, Anthony   9
KENT, Nash    9
GERARD, Nathan   9
JACKSON, Claudia   9
EDWARDS, Nicholas   7
TOOVEY, Joshua   7
BROWN, Kieren   6
STAIT, Graham   6
BALAND, Chris   6
BOOGAN, Chris   6
SCOTT, Cameron   5
SCHWARZE, Jack    5
YEAMAN, Emily    5
LAW, Scott   5
LAW, Jackson    4
BAXTER, Geoffrey   4
GIOVANETTI, Andrew   4
OLIVE, Logan    4
CONE, Traffic   4

Overall after 4 Days

EDWARDS, Nicholas   25
TOOVEY, Joshua   25
CORNISH, Tom   23
CUFF, Stephen   21
SCHWARZE, Jack    21
YEAMAN, Emily    21
LAW, Scott   20
LAW, Jackson    19
TONONCELLI, Anthony   17
KENT, Nash    12
BROWN, Kieren   12
STAIT, Graham   12
SCOTT, Cameron   11
BAXTER, Geoffrey   11
GERARD, Nathan   9
JACKSON, Claudia   9
CRAIG, Nathan   9
LOUIS, Jordan   9
JONES, Jacob   8
MITCHELL, Adam   8
BOYD, Brad   8
MILLS, Scott   7
JONES, Laura   7
MACDONALD, Nicola   7
JENNER, Sam   7
BALAND, Chris   6
BOOGAN, Chris   6
DAVIES, Jordon    6
SCOTT, Wazza   6
THORNCRAFT, Darryl   6
YALLOURIS, Alex    6
BOLTON, Tom    5
SCOTT, Cameron    5
GIOVANETTI, Andrew   4
OLIVE, Logan    4
CONE, Traffic   4
LAW, Grant    4
SAUNDERS, John   4
MURRAY, Thomas   4
CALEY , Bro   4
CHUBB, Alex   4
CATER, Robert   3
FOX, Ben    3
MARSHALL, Damon   3
Tom Lynch   3
WRIGHT, Mitchell    3
CALEY, John   2
MURRAY, Paul    2
PETERS, Brian   2
SCOTT, Lachlan   2
SCHNEIDER, James    2
MCMANUS, Tirian   2
CORNISH, Josh   1
+ 3 riders on 0 points

A total of 34 riders participated in the Madison's this year

« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 03:40:29 PM by Artson » Logged
Posts: leet

If it isn’t fixed its broken

« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2014, 03:03:39 PM »

Points From day 5

LAW, Scott   8
WRIGHT, Mitchell    8
LAW, Jackson    8
MACDONALD, Nicola   8
YEAMAN, Emily    6
BAXTER, Geoffrey   6
LOUIS, Jordan   5
BOLTON, Tom    5
TONONCELLI, Anthony   5
CRAIG, Nathan   5
CALEY , Bro   5
CALEY, John   5
TOOVEY, Joshua   4
EDWARDS, Nicholas   4
CUFF, Stephen   4
CORNISH, Tom   4
MARSHALL, Damon   1
Tom Lynch   1

Final Park Bike series Points
TOOVEY, Joshua   29
EDWARDS, Nicholas   29
LAW, Scott   28
LAW, Jackson    27
YEAMAN, Emily    27
CORNISH, Tom   27
CUFF, Stephen   25
TONONCELLI, Anthony   22
SCHWARZE, Jack    21
BAXTER, Geoffrey   17
MACDONALD, Nicola   15
LOUIS, Jordan   14
CRAIG, Nathan   14
STAIT, Graham   12
BROWN, Kieren   12
KENT, Nash    12
WRIGHT, Mitchell    11
SCOTT, Cameron   11
BOLTON, Tom    10
CALEY , Bro   9
GERARD, Nathan   9
JACKSON, Claudia   9
JONES, Jacob   8
MITCHELL, Adam   8
BOYD, Brad   8
CALEY, John   7
MILLS, Scott   7
JONES, Laura   7
JENNER, Sam   7
DAVIES, Jordon    6
SCOTT, Wazza   6
YALLOURIS, Alex    6
THORNCRAFT, Darryl   6
BALAND, Chris   6
BOOGAN, Chris   6
SCOTT, Cameron    5
MARSHALL, Damon   4
Tom Lynch   4
LAW, Grant    4
SAUNDERS, John   4
MURRAY, Thomas   4
CHUBB, Alex   4
GIOVANETTI, Andrew   4
OLIVE, Logan    4
CONE, Traffic   4
CATER, Robert   3
FOX, Ben    3
MURRAY, Paul    2
PETERS, Brian   2
SCOTT, Lachlan   2
SCHNEIDER, James    2
MCMANUS, Tirian   2
CORNISH, Josh   1

* Copy of Copy of 2014 Park Bikes Madison Sefinal.xls (57.5 KB - downloaded 575 times.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 03:35:11 PM by Artson » Logged
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