As most of you are aware, last week (week 10 Aug 24) the fire alarm was activated. The automatic generated fine for this is $1250. At this stage it has not been processed and
if it does land in my hands, I can write a letter of appeal to the AFASP who may choose to waive the fine.
At the start of the night (week 11 Aug 29) I addressed all RAW Track Patrons to be more vigilant in protecting the venue many things were addressed including:
• Please ensure children are within visual contact at all times
• All areas of the DGV except, front grandstand and essential areas are out of bounds.
It is with great disappointment that I inform you that a fire extinguisher was activated on this night in an area of the DGV that is most definitely a non-essential area. Being a dry chemical style extinguisher, it has made a mess.
It appears that refilling said extinguisher is just as expensive as it is to replace.
Cost $108
Whilst I am not interested in punishing the individual or individuals, I am appealing for some honesty by either the parents or the individuals who have made a poor judgment. Also to assist financially with the replacement.
The incident happened at 9:10pm during the second last race of the night.
Please email me
[email protected] if you are feeling a little bit of guilt (fingers crossed)